วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Snow Cruise Pt 3 by Allie The Dog and MTN Nutnfancy

Recipe for adventure: a female Black Lab, fifty-six four feet more snow falls, shoeshoe a good walk in and out, the knife and ax test setting up a shelter for survival and the snow sparkles in a remote area in high Rockies. And 'again in "Clinical Nutnfancy Knife" (hey, we have not been here in a bit') and loneliness, reach for this Winter Wonderland is breathtaking. But the job was not secure! A field of survival of a reality in these conditions requires veryWork (hard to appreciate, in fact, to do it!). Allie and simulate the locked-out situation to survive in these difficult conditions and the creation of a field of survival (with the laptop brand orange tent Coghlans ® plastic pipe). This scenario is realistic and provided a good service test equipment. As I said, I saw a lot of work needed to find and use dead wood standing wood used dry with sharp edges, which are easier to ignite. There are many dead trees inProcess with the Cold Steel Trail Boss Axe, Tomahawk Norse (very good performance for the weight), and backpack Sawvivor saw and split a couple of other knives (such as the Dow has Coated 3400A Ontario RAT-7 knife!). Some say the finest wood could be used to light the fire, but usually it is soaked in rain and humidity, Therefore, a fire can be ureliable source. Once the fire is hot and autonomous sources unprepared then the wood can be used. Be blades with these tools because they are very careful...


Recommend : ขายส่ง เสื้อโปโล เกมส์

