วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

One to One: Gail Collins, Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times

Sheryl welcomes New York Times Op Ed Page columnist Gail Collins, the program today. The columns provide insights into the weaknesses and the machinations of our politicians in a fun and happy that they never referred to as narrow-minded. In his latest book, published as "When everything has changed The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present" by Little Brown, helps us get a picture on how women and men have changed greatly over the past 50 years. Not only doReply to this old question, "feminism has failed" This raises new questions about the past and future. Every week on CUNY TV One to One, a journalist Sheryl McCarthy talks with newsmakers about their sources of inspiration. It has private conversations on public issues with business people to report on them and those that are history. The topics range from issues of global warming to domestic ones. See more on www.cuny.tv / series / OneToOne.


See Also : เกมส์ เสื้อโปโล เสื้อโปโล

